Pick up packet day

Hi everyone hopefully I not boring you guys with all this information. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask I will try to answer what I can.

So when you get approved you get a green paper with instructions as to where to pick up your DHL packet with everything you need to cross the border safely. You basically log into this site that tells you if your packet is ready to be picked up. Bueno para mi fue un poco dificíl porque nada mas tenia mi celular y no me podia ingresar a la pagina de internet. Necesitaba una computadora, so lo que yo hice fue preguntarle a mi hermana if she could log in everyday to see when I could go pick up my packet. Day 1 nothing, day 2 nothing, finally day 3 post interview my packet was ready!! I was so happy. You choose where you want to pick up your packet, si me acuerdo bien a mi me preguntaron el dia de la entrevista donde queria recojer mi paquete. I chose the same place from where I got my fingerprints done, the ASC Applicant Service Center. For me it was easy just to stick around my hotel area and wait it out. Habia gente que decidieron mandar sus paquetes a la ciudad donde iban de visita. But really its up to you guys.

Cuando llegas al ASC necesitas el numero que apuntas cuando te ingresas en la internet, y una identificación. Its the same process, te sientan en la orden en cual llegaste y esperas asta que te llamen. When they call you up to the window they give you your packet. This is the packet that you will give to the border crossing agent. Do not open this packet! Asi como me lo dieron lo puse en mi mochila y no lo toque. Por favor no abran este paquete. Total time I think I was there a total of 40 minutes.

Con este paquete ya están listos para cruzar la frontera y regresar a casa.

#ApplicantServiceCenter #CDJ #Juarez #Immigration #Inmigración #greencard #packet #mexico #DHL #bordercrossing #paquete


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