Interview day

Day 4: Part 1

The dreaded interview day.... Ok so finalmente el dia de la entrevista en el consulado llego. Mi sita era a las 9:15am mi abogado me dijo que llegara 1 hora antes, yo decidí llegar a las 8am. When you go there make sure you dress up a bit, wear something you would wear to an interview. I think it shows them you are serious about this process and want to make a good impression. I mean estas son  las personas que tienen tu futuro en sus manos so yeah.... Otra cosa definitivamente no se lleven su celulares o otras cosas con ustedes, solamente llévense sus papeles que les dijo el abogado.

Be prepared to wait, from start to finish  the process took about 3.5 hours. Cuando te pones en linea they scan your passport and you go through security. Then they lead you to these huge outdoor waiting areas until you are taken in groups of 10 inside another building to talk to someone. While waiting here you see people coming out of the building with huge smiles on their faces waiving a green paper around, meaning they got approved. While others came out with disappointed faces.

Cuando te meten adentro esperas asta que te llamen a una ventanilla donde chequean tu paperwork and give you a ticket with either a black or green line on it.  Based on this color you sit in those colored chairs (black line = black chairs ect.) Ok aquí es donde me puse nerviosa porque había oido muchos mitos sobre el color de las sillas. Me dijeron que si te tocaba el color negro no ibas a ser aprobado para la visa y que nada mas los que se sientan el las sillas verdes son aprobados. Bueno yo ya estaba nerviosa porque cuando el señor reviso mis papeles me pregunto por una carta de la policia mexicana, yo me quede sorprendida porque mi abogado no me dijo que necesitaba ese papel. Cuando le dije yo no tenía ese papel se me quedo viendo y puso una linea negra en el ticket que me dio.

Disappointed I sat in the black chair section with so many other people. Then you are called up to another line to actually do your interview. While in line there is literally no privacy. Everyone can hear  everything the immigration officers are asking you. Some people had some very unique stories as to how they came to be there. To be continued................

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