The start

Para empezar, yo nací en Mexico y mis padres me trajeron a los E.U a la edad de los 4 anos. El proceso mío comenzó cuando el programa de DACA fue establecido. After being on DACA my husband and I decided it was time for me to finally try to speak to a lawyer and see what could be done. To my surprise I was told that I qualified for a visa but I would have to leave the country and go to ciudad Juarez to go through the immigration process there. Even tough everything here went well as far as paperwork ect. todavía estaba nerviosa por ir a Juarez. Me preguntaba y que tal si voy y no puedo regresar? En ese momento todo se me vino en mente. I started to look for answers o a alguien en mi position que me diera informacion sobre como lo hicieron ellos, pero no encontre nada. Si habia uno que otro video pero no daban mucha informacion. I finally decided to go for it and after I think about a year I got my appointment date to be in Juarez. My lawyer advised me to be there a few days before my appointment date to begin working on medical part and fingerprints that are needed before my appoinment. This is where my journey began, after 30 years of not being in Mexico I found myself on a plane........


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