Traveling to Juarez

Day 1:

Empiezo por decir how ever you choose to go to Mexico its up to you. Se pueden ir derecho al aeropuerto de Juarez o like I did I took a plane to El paso Tx.  A few days before my trip tough I called my hotel in Juarez and asked them if they had a taxi company that I could take from the airport in El paso across the border to Juarez. They where really nice and gave me the name of this guy and his phone number. A little nervous I called this number y contesto un señor que me dijo que me iba a cobrar $80 para llevarme para el hotel en Mexico. I agreed he stated he would be at the airport and to look for him. When we (my mom and I) landed we saw him and got in his taxi cab, from there we drove  to a border crossing point where they checked the car, then we proceeded to drive into Mexico and to our final destination el hotel se llama City Express Junior Juarez Consulado. This hotel is directly across the street from the U.S consulate and medical offices that you will need to go to. Also it is directly next to a lot of restaurants ei. Wendy's, McDonalds, Starbucks, denny's and others. There is even a mall next to this hotel, overall its a good location. After we checked in we decided to explore  find something to eat and look for the places I needed to go to in the next few days, everything is all along the main road and very easily accessible.

#juarez #immigration #proceso #DACA #greencard #travel #cityexpressjuniorjuarez #consulado #consulate #viaje #inmigracion


  1. Would you be able to share the taxi driver’s phone # please ?


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