Going home

Despues de 8 dias finalmente me podia regresar a casa. I booked my flight and made arrangements for a taxi to come take us through the border and to the airport.  Le llame al taxista que nos trajo el primer dia. Side note I just want to say to the taxi drivers that take people through the border thank you so much for your patience. It takes a while sometimes especially during peak times.

Yo cruce por el Free bridge-Cordova Americas, cuando llegamos me puse en linea habia 5 personas enfrente de mi. Aqui esperas hasta que te hablan a la ventanilla para hablar con el agente. One thing I will say about the people that work there, I wasn't sure what was going on that day but they where taking their sweet time taking care of people. They would take 1 person at a time all the while socializing, laughing, sharing personal stories and making plans during and after assisting each person.  There where 3 agents available to work but like I said they where too busy socializing. Se sentia como si no les importara que la gente estaba esperando ahí. Its 10 times worse than being at a DMV. Luckily my taxi cab driver was patient and he waited the hour and a half that it took for me to meet with the agent and get my passport stamped. It was at this point the taxi driver got in his cab and crossed the border and waited for us on the other side. Despues que me estamparon el pasaporte pase por seguridad y después estuve en ruta al aeropuerto en El Paso,Tx.

#crossingtheborder #juarez #CDJ #mexico #border #inmigración #immigration #frontera #frontera
#elpaso #ELP #airport #cordovabridge #puentelibre #greencard


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